By combining prices from major centralized exchanges, YouHodler produces a reliable price chart for Aave (AAVE).

Where to buy Aave (AAVE) price?

The cheapest way to buy is to deposit your stablecoins like USDC and convert them into AAVE. You can also buy directly with a credit card, debit card, or through bank deposits.

How to take a loan with Aave (AAVE)?

Do not sell your Aave. You may use it as collateral to receive a crypto loan right away. To utilize our crypto loans tool, simply log into your YouHodler account. Deposit Aave as security and receive your money in minutes.

How to earn %p.a. on

Sign in to your YouHodler account and go to your Aave wallet to start earning % p.a. on this coin. To deposit Aave, select "deposit" from the drop-down menu. After the transaction is completed, your Aave will begin collecting % p.a. right away, with weekly installments arriving seven days later. % p.a. accumulates over time.

How to trade Aave?

The price of Aave is always Fluctuating. Multi HODL allows you to profit from the volatility of Aave (AAVE). YouHOdler's Multi HODL function is a breakthrough trading feature. With multiplier values as high as x50, traders may rapidly and simply long or short the market. Multi HODL offers a new approach to trade Aave (AAVE) today.
Low Fees, Quick Execution, and Seamless Purchases with Credit Cards or SEPA Bank Accounts
This stablecoin is may not be available some services to EU residents in accordance with the MiCA regulation.

YouHodler is regulated in Switzerland, the EU and Argentina.

Registration of Virtual Asset Service Providers in Argentina

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VASP Registration with the Bank of Spain