5 Reasons For the Toilet Paper Hype During the COVID-19 Crisis

When the clock hit midnight and the year 2020 graced us with its presence, no one predicted that “toilet paper” would be the buzzword of the new decade. Yet, here we are, well into March and we can’t get enough of the stuff. Stores can’t keep it on the shelves and even physical altercations are breaking out in order to hoard this precious paper. Of all things needed for a potential lockdown survival scenario, why is this the trending item?

With the current situation around the world, YouHodler has had some time to think about this concept and offer a few theories.
Toilet paper is a cheap and convenient cleaning option
Generally speaking, toilet paper is a cheap form of sanitary paper (even though there are a few heartless stores preying on people’s fear and price gouging the cherished item). One possible theory for why people are stocking up on this paper is as a cleaning utensil. Backed by the virus fear, everyone is buying more tissue paper. It’s an affordable and convenient option to wipe down surfaces all over the house. Compared to the more expensive paper towels or cloth towels, many people may be using toilet paper as their primary cleaning device which they can then dispose of later and eliminate any fear of spreading disease.
Toilet paper is a result of psychological herd mentality

Even though the 2009 H1NI “swine flu” infected 11-21% of the global population and amassed 150,000–575,000 fatalities, few remember any sort of panic on the same level as the current COVID - 19 crisis. Panic is really the driving force of this modern crisis and looking at toilet paper is a great example of this. As soon as people started seeing other people stockpile toilet paper, that caused a psychological reaction. This herd mentality kicked in with a “fear of missing out” also thrown in the mix. Everyone wanted to be prepared and for whatever reason, toilet paper was the main item to help with this. Of course, people weren’t thinking logically. They were operating off panic and toilet paper just happened to be the catalyst.
Toilet paper can be used for many different purposes
Our final theory on the topic is that maybe this whole toilet paper buying frenzy is not such a crazy idea. Maybe people are just getting creative during times of lockdown. For example, this paper can be used to make homemade masks to wear around the house and reduce the potential spreading of the virus. Also, perhaps people are thinking of a potential long term lockdown scenario which in that case, toilet paper would be a necessary household item.

Underneath all the hysteria and the memes, there is one thing we need to take away from this and that is to stay positive. All concerns regarding the global supply chain are not necessary. If we just initiate some common sense and follow the suggestion from our government, we can ensure the stores are not empty and the supply chains are not overwhelmed. We have the capacity to have consistent and smooth operations and that will come soon. Everything will be fine and we can exist in peace even amongst a virus-like COVID - 19.
Is toilet paper more valuable than cryptocurrency?
Before you go buying another thirty-six rolls of toilet paper, ask yourself this. What will be the price of this paper one, five or ten years from now? Do you think it will increase in value a lot more than say, Bitcoin? Sure, it’s necessary to make sure your house is well prepared for a lockdown but you should think about your financial future as well.

Right now, the cryptocurrency market may have bottomed out meaning it’s the best time in years to enter the market. After this corona crisis is over, toilet paper will still just be toilet paper but your cryptocurrency may have already tripled in value. So don’t sell your crypto. If you need household items, visit YouHodler.com and use your crypto as collateral for an instant cash loan.
Better yet, use your crypto as a multiplication tool for Turbo Loans or MultiHODL to stockpile more crypto and benefit when the market recovers soon. We will not remain in this crisis mode forever. Eventually, the tide will turn in a positive direction again. Will you and your crypto portfolio be ready to reap the benefits.